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Detroit Community Resources

detroit pal community organizations home page.
an image of 130 resources in the city of detroit

Detroit PAL is proud to be a part of a vibrant and engaged community. In addition to exploring what Detroit PAL is up to, we encourage you to get involved with some other area groups and organizations.

d[COM]munity is CDAD's interactive map and directory for all of Detroit’s community-based organizations working to make our neighborhoods strong and vibrant.  You can find out who is working in your area, search for existing groups, and make sure your organization is listed. This resource will help Detroit organizations, institutions, and residents connect and learn about the activities and services of block clubs, neighborhood associations, community development organizations, and neighborhood improvement organizations throughout the city.

to write love on her arms homepage

Don’t give up. You are not alone.
On this page, we have listed several resources in this community which are there to care for you. This list is not exhaustive, but it can serve as a bridge to help. It was collected in honor of your story and the stories of people around you. We encourage you to remember your journey is unique—and that every step forward is worth it.

detroit parent network homepage

A network of parents working to build and engage parents and others to ensure every child has a champion.

MSHDA homepage

We serve the people of Michigan by partnering to provide quality housing that is affordable, a cornerstone of diverse, thriving communities. Applications for COVID-19 rental assistance are still being taken.

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Praising Jesus Christ for Life

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