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Exoffender Resources

exoffender resources

The Alliance is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness in the United States..

The Alliance is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness in the United States..

exoffender resources

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council is a network of more than 10,000 doctors, nurses, social workers, patients, and advocates who share the mission to eliminate homelessness.

exoffender resources

The Homeless Shelter Directory provides Homeless Shelters and Homeless Service Organizations. This includes all resources necessary to help the needy.The directory was created for people who want to find and donate food and/or supplies to their local shelter.

exoffender resources

Food Pantries is not associated with any government agency or nonprofit organization. We list Food Pantries centers throughout the US.

exoffender resources
exoffender resources

Our organization, Help For Felons is dedicated to providing support and direction to felons, inmates and ex-offenders in every aspect of life. On our site you will find excellent sources and directories in regards to jobs, reentry, legal, financial help, housing and much more. Our goal is to give you the tools that you need to not only live, but to be successful and live a fulfilling life.

exoffender resources

To assist formerly incarcerated individuals in starting their own business and engaging in entrepreneurship by providing resources, mentorship and hope.

exoffender resources

To deliver integrated, easy-to-understand workforce information that helps job seekers, students, workers, workforce intermediaries, and employers develop their capacity and make sound economic decisions in the new economy.

exoffender resources

Prison Fellowship believes that a restorative approach to prisoners, former prisoners, and all those affected by crime and incarceration can make communities safer and healthier. Our ministry is founded on the conviction that all people are created in God's image and that no life is beyond God's reach...

exoffender resources is not an agency or organization, it’s a website run by a few people. We wish we could help everyone on an individual basis, but we just can’t. We cannot help with requests regarding information on a specific location, nor can we provide legal advice.

exoffender resources

Our legacy in developing the preferred methodologies for connecting people who are in immediate need of legal services with the right attorney is unrivaled. LegalMatch looks forward to helping you find the right lawyer.

exoffender resources

We're Here to Find the Best Financial Solutions for Your Business
At Fundera, we build financial technologies for and relationships with small business owners—whether you've just begun your journey or have been in business for generations.

exoffender resources

The purpose of this webpage is to provide a consolidated location for available reentry resources for returning citizens and their families, HHS grantees, and other individuals/organizations working to help people leaving the criminal justice system.

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Praising Jesus Christ for Life

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